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The Miner's Bane is a short horror animation set in the universe Endventures and the concept of the creatures in this video were going to be in a sequel series to Endventures, but because that series was cancelled it only ended up really being in Endventures. This was the last minecraft animation video from Willcraft for over half a decade until the Endventures Closure video which revealed some unreleased Willcraft Endventure projects.


The short begins in a dark Mineshaft, where a player is hiding beneath the ground from an unknown monster. The monster finds the player and digs him out of the ground, presumably killing him.

It cuts to another player running away from the same creature through the Mineshaft. It comes to a cross roads, and the player chooses to go to the left after seeing the monster on the right. He continues running, but stops to try and find where the monster is. Two monsters reveal themselves coming in from both sides of the mineshaft and the player pulls out a bow and prepares to aim and fire, but struggles to figure out which one he should shoot at, the player presumably dies to both of the monsters.

Yet again, it cuts to another player, this time a girl walking down a shaft. She sees the monster's shadow around a corner and hides behind it, and continues walking down, running when she sees an empty one.

It cuts yet again to a different player, hiding behind a post. He hears something walking towards him and prepares to swing his pick-axe. He accidentally kills the girl from the previous scene by impaling the pick through her skull. This horrifies him, as he kneels down, hands over his face. He quickly realizes that the monster is coming for him, and quickly leaves the girl.

When running, he comes across another player that has survived, shushing him after he tries to speak. They run down a dark shaft together as it fades to black. The blonde player stops running to light a torch, only to realize that the other player has gone missing. He walks down slowly, breathing heavily. The monster jumps out at and kills him.

It cuts back to the other player, as he is shown stopping after running from the monster. He glances back, only to realize that the other player isn't with him. He then sees the monster fully and quickly bursts into a sprint, the monster only inches away from him. The player spots another miner, quickly turns the other way, only for the monster to leap towards the miner, killing him. The player eventually comes across a nether portal, a stream of lava on either side of the room and piles of TNT. The monster is seen sprinting at the player down a long corridor. The player quickly detonates two of TNT in the lava and runs into the portal, thus stopping the portal from letting the monster in and him into the Nether. Because of this, the player can't go back, as the portal is no longer working. The player with his head down, kneeling beside the empty portal as the screen fades to black.

Spooky scary skeleton)

The Monsters In The Mine (Underlanders)[]

These are people who have lived deep in underground for so long that they have adapted to it, becoming deathly pale and able to see in the dark at the cost of being sensitive to light. The stuff their wearing is exoskeleton-like gear with claws used for digging, attacking, climbing, in conjunction with their footwear. They also have some sort of mask that Willcraft forgot what it was for, but it is likely to protect them from light. The Underlanders are very isolationist having forgotten there are even people higher above ground and reacting with hostility when strangers intrude on their territory.

After "The Miners Bane" they are never seen again anywhere else in Endventures, even when the place is revisited in Endventures, all the Underlanders seem to have left the Mineshaft or possibly gone extinct, with the corpses of the miners being their last traces here.


  • The Miner's Bane's Mineshaft is revisited in a later Endventures plot after Episode 13 and the group ends up finding the skeleton corpse of the girl miner, and the exact nether portal room which they relight the portal to get into the nether.
  • The sole survivor of The Miner's Bane ends up becoming Decay because when he was trying to reactivate the portal, he found a special scythe in a redstone lit cave that turned him into The Wither King, and it's a bit easy to tell Herobrine had a hand in his creation. This was revealed in the Endventures Closure Video.


Animator, Story and Creator : Willcraft Animations
